Would you like to get a group of friends and family together and learn about Essential Oils and how you can use them in your day to day life whilst reducing the chemical load on your body and home.
Benefits of hosting a workshop
1) I will provide you with a gift pack ahead of your workshop with everything you will need.
- In
vitations for your friends.
- Certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils for you to try ahead of the day.
- Additional product samples to try out.
- A recipe booklet.
- Information to answer any questions you may have.
2) Financially, you can receive 20% commission from all orders placed at your workshop. In order to receive this you do need to have your own wholesale account (this can be set up after your workshop) and have an order of 100 points ($100-$150 depending on what you choose) or more set to process. There is no obligation to set up an account or place an order yourself but you will not receive any commission if you are not enrolled. You can use your commission from the orders to pay for your order – this is how many hosts receive their oils for free!
Before processing anything, I will make time to chat with you after your class to ensure you fully understand the options and receive the most rewarding benefits based on what your guests have ordered. Once enrolled there are no minimum monthly orders, no minimum spend, no obligation to buy or sell at any stage.
What does hosting a workshop involve?
As the host for the workshop, your role is to:
Provide a warm welcoming environment for the workshop
- Send out the invitations (provided) to your friends and family at least 2 weeks ahead of the workshop
- Ideal guest numbers are a group of 4-7 guests as this provides an intimate experience to address everyone’s needs
- A nice touch is to provide healthy nibbles for your guests, ideally infused with therapeutic grade essential oils (please only use dõTERRA oils such as the vials in your gift pack. as these are safe to ingest). You can use the recipe booklet in your gift pack to help you!
How much does it cost?
Introduction to essential oils classes are absolutely FREE
Click here and fill out the form and we will arrange a date for your workshop.